Working towards a heartbeat in a heartbeat

For my defense presentation, I decided to use a Kinect motion sensor to control a near-real-time GPU finite element electrical heart simulation. To build this demonsration, I wrote an OpenGL front end for the finite element code FEAP. I wrote mouse routines to control rotation of the mesh using a normal arc-ball control method and also wrote routines to determine which points on the mesh I would like to prescribe electrical Dirchlet boundary conditions. I then used Kinect-Mouse as a replacement for the mouse controls instead of using gestures. (I only had one week to get this demonstration working!) I then added in the real-time ECG processing on the CPU, which uses a stream-based version of GNUplot to plot the output of the proxy Lead II ECG.

The audio was taken out in case there were copyright issues. These results are a bit old, and run at half the speed of the current GPU finite element simulation code.